Le conte merveilleux

Motifs du Motif-Index en addition au Catalogue Delarue Teneze

Conte Type T425 Motifs du Motif-Index de Thompson

Motifs du motif Index de Aarne et Thompson présents dans le type 425
F985.1. Black sheep turn white. (Cf. H1023.6.) Types 425, 428, 756C*
C758.1. Monster born because of hasty (inconsiderate) wish of parents. *Types 425, 430, 433B, 441
D721.3. Disenchantment by destroying skin (covering). *Type 425, 430, 440, 441
H1232. Directions on quest given by sun, moon, wind, and stars. *Types 425, 451
F92.1. Visit to lower world through hole made by lifting clumps of grass. Type 425, 480
L52. Abused youngest daughter. *Types 425, 510, 511, 709
B620.1. Daughter promised to animal suitor. *Types 425, 552
D621.1. Animal by day; man by night. *Types 425, 552A
S221.1. Bankrupt father sells his daughters in marriage to animals. (Sometimes to pay gambling debt.) (Cf. S215.) *Types 425C, 552A
H1333.1.1. Quest for singing tree. *Type 425, 707
T550. Monstrous births. *Types 425, 708
H15.1. Identity tested by demanding that person say again what he said on former occasion. (Impostor fails.) *Types 425, 870
H1385.4. Quest for vanished husband. *Types 425, 890
B640.1. Marriage to beast by day and man by night. (Cf. D621.)--*Type 425.
C32. Tabu: offending supernatural husband. (Cf. C36.)--*Type 425
C32.1. Tabu: looking at supernatural husband. *Type 425a
C121. Tabu: kissing supernatural husband. (Cf. C32.) *Type 425
C421. Tabu: revealing secret of supernatural husband. *Type 425A
C757.1. Tabu: destroying animal skin of enchanted person too soon. *Type 425
C761.2. Tabu: staying too long at home. *Type 425
C916.1. Trespass betrayed by dripping candle. (Cf. C31.1, C32.1.)--*Type 425
D1313.1. Magic ball indicates road. Rolls ahead. (Cf. D1256.)--Type 425
D766.3. Disenchantment by tears. *Type 425
D828. Magic object received from child. Type 425.
D1317.5. Magic ring gives warning. (Cf. D1076.)--Type 425
D1323.1. Magic clairvoyant mirror. Type 425
D1654.6. Ship refuses to move. (Cf. D1123.) Type 425
E482. Land of shades. Everything is done by unseen people. Type 425
F771.4.3. Abandoned castle. Has no inhabitants when hero enters.Type 425
H1114. Task: climbing glass mountain. *Type 425
H1125. Task: traveling till iron shoes are worn out. *Type 425
H1239.2. Objects of quest found in deserted castle where hero is served by unseen hands. Type 425
H1239.3. Quest accomplished by means of objects given by helpers. Type 425
K2220.0.1. Jealous rivals prevail on person to break tabu (prohibition). Type 425
L54.1. Youngest daughter agrees to marry a monster; later the sisters are jealous. *Type 425
L221. Modest request: present from the journey. Asked what her father shall bring her as a present, the heroine chooses a modest gift. It is usually a flower but sometimes does not turn out to be such a simple gift after all (golden cloak, golden apple). *Type 425
N681.1. Wife finds lost husband just as he is to marry another. Type 425
Q482.1. Princess serves as menial. *Type 425
S228. Daughter promised to monster as bride to secure flower (bird) she has asked for. *Type 425C
S252.1. Vain attempt to save promised child by use of substitute. *Type 425.
T111. Marriage of mortal and supernatural being. *Type 425
S222. Man promises (sells) child in order to save himself from danger or death. *Types 310, 425C, 756B, 500
D2003. Forgotten fianc‚e. Young husband visiting his home breaks tabu and forgets his wife. Later she succeeds in reawakening his memory. (For details of the ways in which the memory is lost and regained see D2004 and D2006.--*Type 313C, 425
D2006.1.4. Forgotten fianc‚e buys place in husband's bed and reawakens his memory. *Types 313, 425
G532. Hero hidden and ogre deceived by his wife (daughter) when he says that he smells human blood. *Type 327, 425, 461, 480
L50. Victorious youngest daughter. *Types 361, 425, 431, 440, 480, 510, 511, 707, 901, 923
F751. Glass mountain. *Types 400, 425, 451, 530
H1235. Succession of helpers on quest. One helper sends to another, who sends to another, etc. (Cf. H1241.) Types 400, 425, 516, 756B
C932. Loss of wife (husband) for breaking tabu. Aarne-Thompson Types 400, 425
H1233.1.1. Old woman helps on quest. Type 400, 425
Q502.2. Punishment: wandering till iron shoes are worn out. *Types 400, 425
D735.1. Beauty and the beast. Disenchantment of animal by being kissed by woman (man).--*Type 402, 425, 433A, 440
K2212.1. Treacherous stepsisters. *Types 403, 425, 432, 450, 510, 516, 592
L55. Stepdaughter heroine. *Types 403, 425, 432, 450, 480, 510, 709
S31. Cruel stepmother. *Types 403, 425, 432, 450, 451, 480, 502, 510, 511, 516, 590, 592, 706, 708, 709, 720
Liste des Motifs donnée par la version 1973 du Aarne et Thompson
Conte type : 425
C758.1. Monster born because of hasty (inconsiderate) wish of parents. Motif présent dans 4 conte(s) type(s) 307 425 430 441
D621.1. Animal by day; man by night. Motif présent dans 2 conte(s) type(s) 425 552
B640.1. Marriage to beast by day and man by night. Motif présent dans 1 conte(s) type(s) 425
S215.1. Girl promises herself to animal suitor. Motif présent dans 2 conte(s) type(s) 425 440
K1335. Seduction (or wooing) by stealing clothes of bathing girl (swan maiden). Motif présent dans 4 conte(s) type(s) 313 400 425 465
S240.1. Girl promised unwittingly by her parents to ogre. Motif présent dans 1 conte(s) type(s) 425
B620.1. Daughter promised to animal suitor. Motif présent dans 2 conte(s) type(s) 425 552
L221. Modest request: present from the journey. Motif présent dans 2 conte(s) type(s) 425 432
S228. Daughter promised to monster as bride to secure flower (bird) she has asked for. Motif présent dans 1 conte(s) type(s) 425
S221.1. Bankrupt father sells his daughters in marriage to animals. Motif présent dans 2 conte(s) type(s) 425 552
S221.2. Youth sells himself to an ogre in settlement of a gambling debt. Motif présent dans 1 conte(s) type(s) 425
S222. Prince plans to kill wicked father for cruelty. Motif présent dans 5 conte(s) type(s) 310 313 425 500 537
S241. Child unwittingly promised: "first thing you meet." (Jephthah's vow.) Motif présent dans 2 conte(s) type(s) 425">425 425">425H
S252. Vain attempt to save promised child. Motif présent dans 1 conte(s) type(s) 425
L54.1. Youngest daughter agrees to marry a monster; later the sisters are jealous. Motif présent dans 2 conte(s) type(s) 361 425
D735.1. Beauty and the beast. Motif présent dans 5 conte(s) type(s) 402 425">425 425">425 433A 440
D711. Disenchantment by decapitation. Motif présent dans 10 conte(s) type(s) 402 425 440 450 471 540 545 550 551 708
D766.3. Disenchantment by tears. Motif présent dans 1 conte(s) type(s) 425
D721.3. Disenchantment by destroying skin (covering). Motif présent dans 6 conte(s) type(s) 409 425 430 433B 440 441
C32. Tabu: offending supernatural husband. Motif présent dans 1 conte(s) type(s) 425
C932. Loss of wife (husband) for breaking tabu. Motif présent dans 2 conte(s) type(s) 400 425
C757.1. Tabu: destroying animal skin of enchanted person too soon. Motif présent dans 1 conte(s) type(s) 425
C421. Tabu: revealing secret of supernatural husband. Motif présent dans 1 conte(s) type(s) 425
C32.1. Tabu: looking at supernatural husband. Motif présent dans 1 conte(s) type(s) 425
C916.1. Trespass betrayed by dripping candle. Motif présent dans 1 conte(s) type(s) 425
C121. Tabu: kissing supernatural husband. Motif présent dans 1 conte(s) type(s) 425
C761.2. Tabu: staying too long at home. Motif présent dans 1 conte(s) type(s) 425
H1385.4. Quest for vanished husband. Motif présent dans 1 conte(s) type(s) 425
Q502.2. Punishment: wandering till iron shoes are worn out. Motif présent dans 2 conte(s) type(s) 400 425
H1125. Task: traveling till iron shoes are worn out. Motif présent dans 1 conte(s) type(s) 425
D1313.1. Magic ball indicates road. Motif présent dans 2 conte(s) type(s) 425 431A*
N825.3. Old woman helper. Motif présent dans 8 conte(s) type(s) 316 408 425 480 511 593 610 707
H1233.1.1. Old woman helps on quest. Motif présent dans 2 conte(s) type(s) 400 425
H1235. Succession of helpers on quest. Motif présent dans 2 conte(s) type(s) 400 425
H1232. Directions on quest given by sun, moon, wind, and stars. Motif présent dans 3 conte(s) type(s) 400 425 451
H1114. Task: climbing glass mountain. Motif présent dans 6 conte(s) type(s) 400 425 451 512B* 513 514
Q482.1. Princess serves as menial. Motif présent dans 1 conte(s) type(s) 425
H1010. Impossible tasks. Motif présent dans 5 conte(s) type(s) 313 425 428 480 571B
D2006.1.1. Forgotten fianc‚e reawakens husband's memory by detaining lovers through magic. Motif présent dans 2 conte(s) type(s) 313 425
N681.1. Wife finds lost husband just as he is to marry another. Motif présent dans 1 conte(s) type(s) 425
D2006.1.4. Forgotten fianc‚e buys place in husband's bed and reawakens his memory. Motif présent dans 2 conte(s) type(s) 313 425
D735.1. Beauty and the beast. Motif présent dans 5 conte(s) type(s) 402 425">425 425">425 433A 440
Q41. Politeness rewarded. Motif présent dans 2 conte(s) type(s) 425 480
Conte type : 425A
Conte type : 425B
Conte type : 425C
Conte type : 425D
M301.2.1. Enraged old woman prophesies for youth. Motif présent dans 4 conte(s) type(s) 408 425D 516">516 516">516A
S375. Old woman's maledictions inform abandoned hero of his parentage and future. Motif présent dans 2 conte(s) type(s) 408 425D
K1816.0.3. Menial disguise of princess's lover. Motif présent dans 2 conte(s) type(s) 314 425D
T91.6.4. Princess falls in love with lowly boy. Motif présent dans 2 conte(s) type(s) 314 425D
N352. Bird carries off ring which lover has taken from sleeping mistress's finger. Motif présent dans 1 conte(s) type(s) 425D
H11.1.1. Recognition at inn (hospital, etc.) where all must tell their life histories. Motif présent dans 3 conte(s) type(s) 304 425D 432*
Conte type : 425E
H1226.4. Pursuit of rolling ball of yarn leads to quest. Motif présent dans 2 conte(s) type(s) 425E 480
Conte type : 425F
Conte type : 425G
H13. Recognition by overheard conversation (usually with animals or objects). Motif présent dans 4 conte(s) type(s) 313 425G 450 706
Conte type : 425H
S241. Child unwittingly promised: "first thing you meet." (Jephthah's vow.) Motif présent dans 2 conte(s) type(s) 425">425 425">425H
Conte type : 425J
Conte type : 425K
H1578.1. Test of sex of girl masking as man. Motif présent dans 1 conte(s) type(s) 425K
Conte type : 425L
Conte type : 425M
Conte type : 425N
Conte type : 425P
Conte type : 425*