Le conte merveilleux

Motifs du Motif-Index en addition au Catalogue Delarue Teneze

Conte Type T332 Motifs du Motif-Index de Thompson

Motifs du motif Index de Aarne et Thompson présents dans le type 332
D1724. Magic power from Death. Death as godfather. (Cf. D1725.1.) *Type 332
D1825.3.1. Magic power of seeing Death at head or foot of bed and thus forecasting progress of sickness. *Type 332
E742. Soul as light. *Type 332
E765.1.3. Life-lights in lower world. Each light mystically connected with the life of a person. When light is extinguished, person dies. *Type 332
J486. Death preferred above God and Justice. *Type 332
K557. Death cheated by moving bed. The man who has chosen Death as his godfather has his bed turned around when he sees Death standing at the foot of his bed. He thus escapes death. *Type 332
Liste des Motifs donnée par la version 1973 du Aarne et Thompson
Conte type : 332
Z111. Death personified. Motif présent dans 1 conte(s) type(s) 332
J486. Death preferred above God and Justice. Motif présent dans 1 conte(s) type(s) 332
D1724. Magic power from Death. Motif présent dans 1 conte(s) type(s) 332
D1825.3.1. Magic power of seeing Death at head or foot of bed and thus forecasting progress of sickness. Motif présent dans 1 conte(s) type(s) 332
K551.1. Respite from death granted until prayer is finished. Motif présent dans 1 conte(s) type(s) 332
K557. Death cheated by moving bed. Motif présent dans 1 conte(s) type(s) 332
E765.1.3. Life-lights in lower world. Motif présent dans 1 conte(s) type(s) 332
Conte type : 332A*
Conte type : 332 B*
Conte type : 332C*
Conte type : 332D*
Conte type : 332E*
Conte type : 332F*
Conte type : 332G*
Conte type : 332H*